On site

Living well together

For the peace and quiet of all our tenants and neighbors, we have drawn up a set of house rules reminding you of the basic rules of good living together. We recommend that you read them before booking, as our general terms and conditions of sale require acceptance of this document. You can read it again when you arrive at your lodge.

An eco-responsible place with controlled energy consumption

We are trying to make our lodges an eco-responsible place. Without your contribution, we will not be able to achieve this.

Motion detectors are installed in the garden and timers in the staircases... The lighting is switched on when you approach and off automatically. In your lodge, we would be grateful if you could switch off the lights in the rooms you are not using and when you are away.

Power strips with switches are installed to neutralise the standby mode of certain appliances which not only consume electricity, but can also cause visual disturbance. Remember to turn off the lights on your terrace at night. Do not leave the tap running unnecessarily.

Your stay is expected to be "all inclusive". We thank you for being attentive to your consumption and for helping us to control it as accurately as possible. Let's not forget that "the cheapest energy is the one we don't use".

Finally, we encourage you to sort your rubbish and to deposit it regularly in the containers provided for this purpose in Place Jean Jaurès.

A sometimes variable and sudden weather

Thunderstorms in our region can sometimes arrive very quickly and violently. When you are away, take the precaution of systematically closing your windows, even in good weather. On your terrace, close your parasol and put away objects that are likely to fly away (cushions, towels...).

Everyday life

You are responsible for cleaning your lodge during your stay.

You may chip or break some dishes. Nothing serious, do not try to replace it on your own initiative: let us know, we will take care of it.